Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. (Golda Meir)
I´ve found a cute blog by a fluke this morning "Lovely Design". And look, what Sharilyn has made for her daughter Adelaide...Such a beautiful quilt...but what I liked the most is this little lable! ISN`T THAT BEAUTIFUL?????? I have fallen in love this morning with this cute little lable...what a wonderful idea - so full of love! I wish you a day full of Love Love Love too! xxx ♥
6 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
What a beautiful gift from mother to daughter. My sister made me a patchwork quilt for my birthday a few years ago & I absolutely adore it.
Also, just wondering if I could ask you a technical question...I have notice that you have been able to save & upload Adobe Flash Player 9 images. I haven't a clue how to this! Could you please let me know how this is possible? With thanks, Lee :)
Oh how cute from your sister! What a lovely present! If I only knew what you mean with the "upload-thing"?!Unfortunately I sometimes have no idea what I am doing at my computer-but I´m always happy when it works... ;o)
Hi Geisslein - sorry if my question didn't make much sense. What I really meant was how do you copy Adobe Flash Player 9 images (the ones that are on the loop)? I've seen some great images that I'd like to copy and post but my computer won't let me. Thanks for responding though, I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend. Lee :)
Oh Lee, I wish I could help you...But I really have no idea how?!I try the things and I´m happy, if it works... ;o) But I wish you a wonderful weekend! geisslein
6 Kommentare:
What a beautiful gift from mother to daughter. My sister made me a patchwork quilt for my birthday a few years ago & I absolutely adore it.
Also, just wondering if I could ask you a technical question...I have notice that you have been able to save & upload Adobe Flash Player 9 images. I haven't a clue how to this! Could you please let me know how this is possible? With thanks, Lee :)
Oh how cute from your sister! What a lovely present!
If I only knew what you mean with the "upload-thing"?!Unfortunately I sometimes have no idea what I am doing at my computer-but I´m always happy when it works... ;o)
Hi Geisslein - sorry if my question didn't make much sense. What I really meant was how do you copy Adobe Flash Player 9 images (the ones that are on the loop)? I've seen some great images that I'd like to copy and post but my computer won't let me. Thanks for responding though, I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend. Lee :)
LOVE that sweet label
LOVE that sweet label
Oh Lee, I wish I could help you...But I really have no idea how?!I try the things and I´m happy, if it works... ;o) But I wish you a wonderful weekend! geisslein
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