Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009

I love maps

Especially the bed in the last picture is SO GREAT!!!! What a good idea for a children´s bed, isn´t it?! But it is a lot of work too...I know this, because since a few years I make something like this and change so look of old chairs, boxes, tables and many other things...But it looks always so great and special, I totally LOVE this technique!
Wish you also an inspiring day today!

3 Kommentare: hat gesagt…

Oh my I love that dress. Thanks so much for stopping by Beach Vintage. I have looked at your blog too and it is wonderful.

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Thank you for this cute comment! Hope you will have a beautiful day!

Jane Flanagan hat gesagt…

I love the photograph with the dress and the suitcase covered with a map is an inspired idea!!

purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo