Montag, 27. Juli 2009

Back from Mallorca

A big Hello to you all! I´m back from my short but oh so nice trip to Mallorca! 6 days at the beach, how great it was. The sun was shining the whole day and it was very very hot - but the ocean and bathing in the warm water was so great and I´ve enjoyed every day!
Hope your week starts as great as my vacation was!
Wish you a monday full of nice things happen!

5 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Whenever I'm in Greece on holiday, I love to be able to pick my own lemons out in the gardens!

Micaela hat gesagt…

SO GLAD to have you back!!! you were missed Geisslein. I loove these images... reminds me of my granddaddy's lemon tree. Oh how i miss him xo

Miss | A hat gesagt…

welcome back! I am sure your trip was amazing!

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Thank you so much Ladies!I love it to be back...missed your blogs :o)

Gaia hat gesagt…

Oh you come back in time. How are you? how was the trip?

purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo