Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2010

This cold and snowy wednesday the sun is shining so beautiful!

Wish you a wonderful day today - full of sunshine outside and in your heart!
xxx ♥ 

8 Kommentare:

Fro (Idyll på landet...) hat gesagt…

Wow - really nice pictures you show today!

Have a nice day! :)

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Thank you Fro :o)
Wish you a nice day too!!!

Cherry Blossom Blog hat gesagt…

Lovely sunshine in beauuutiful rooms!
I really wish I had laaarger windows in my own home... It's so nice!

♥ Have a lovely day!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ohh, lovely. Especially the first place. So cosy and relaxing.

Wish you a great day.

Marisa hat gesagt…

oh those windows... that light! I want to sit in that room. It would be a great spot for a studio too. xoxo

Unknown hat gesagt…

I LOVE the floors in the 2nd photo. And of course, those big, beautiful windows!! xo

Ash hat gesagt…

I want that little nook by the window!! how nice!

Heike Wink hat gesagt…

wunderschö friedlich.

purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo