Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2010

beautiful outside places....

via Veronica loves Archie; City Sage and sorry unknown...
Here are some very beautiful outside-places...I would love to spend some time now on such a wonderful place...together with some good friends, yummy food, nice music and just a great time!
Hope your day is a really great one today and I hope you spend some nice time with lovely friends!
xo ♥ ☆

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Beautiful! These are wonderful summer holiday inspiration.

Bumpkin on a Swing hat gesagt…

I will recreate the first image, the first time I have a party, I will use mexican blankets, instead of the patchwork to help with the cost. I love this, bring it on, love it, love it!
You were thinking of the Bumpkin, with the hay stacks...I know you were!

Marisa hat gesagt…

Taht second one is amazing... actually they all are.

Marlene hat gesagt…

Beautiful pictures, and a very inspiring blog!!
I will definately visit again!
Have a lovely sunny day!

Anonym hat gesagt…

That's a nice way to connect with the surrounding nature! The last photo is my favorite, with the lovely birdcages hanging in the tree. Nice!

purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo