Montag, 30. Januar 2012

Photo a day # 23

Photo a day # 23: Something old.
This is my house about 100 years ago.
I photographed the picture, which hangs in my kitchen.
I wish it was not plastered many years ago,
 but that was at a time when brick was not modern 
and it was long before my time.
I live there for about 18 years now and
 today I would be happy if I could still see the bricks.
So much happened in this house all these years.....

3 Kommentare:

Clivia Schmidt hat gesagt…

Hammer, wie schön!!!!
Das Hoftor und die Strasse...
Wer ist da noch auf dem Bild?

Norrfrids Eija hat gesagt…

Maybe one day you can be able to move the plaster to see the bricks of your house! Most houses have been renovetad and modified to suit our modern lifestyle, unfortunately...
It´s so nice to have an old picture of the house, a piece of history!

allesistgut hat gesagt…

Großartig. Diese Backsteinhäuser haben ein ganz besonderes Flair. Hier oben im Norden stehen auch noch so einige davon (ohne Verkleidung).
Lieben Gruß


purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo