Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

Photo a day # 7

Photo a day # 7: Favourite.
Strangely enough this theme today was kinda hard for me.
The whole day I was thinking about what I could photograph.
I have many things I could describe as a favorite, but nothing seemed to be the right of it.
And then, a few minutes ago, my eyes fell on my old Uggs.
And then I knew this is the right motive.
My old old Uggs.
I wear them at night when I'm sitting on the couch and blogging.
 I love the feeling of my bare feet in them and they keep my feet comfortable and warm.

2 Kommentare:

Clivia Schmidt hat gesagt…

Verrücktes Huhn!
Deine Uggs!!!!!

Wo bleibt ein Foto von den Glitzi-Fingernägeln???!!!

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Hihi, ja...meine Uggs...die ältesten auch noch. Sind einfach die Schönsten :o)
Die Nägel sind nicht so schön geworden, daher gibts davon heute kein Foto. Morgen vielleicht ;o)

purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo