Got another photographers-love today!
I´m totally thrilled about these pictures
and the technique they are made of,
by the photographer Victoria Will.
She used an early photographic technique
called tintype for her portraits of actors
attending this year's Sundance Festival,
with amazing results.
I love how this technique transform the pictures,
no usual glossy and perfect celebrity pictures,
these are more and deeply personal portraits
with a unique character.
I am totally in love!
Tintypes are
photographs made by printing a
positive image onto a thin sheet of metal,
were most popular in the 1860s and 1870s.
2 Kommentare:
dear Geisslein, I love her photography! Thank you for posting her pictures. Are you familiar with Sally Mann?
Dear Berenice, oh yes, I´m also a big fan of Sally Mann - and of dark moody pictures ;o)
Have a nice and funny rest of this week! Hugs from cold Germany, Geisslein!
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