Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009

I wish you love!

I have a hard time in my life at the moment.
I´m down, feel sad, I´m desperate and I can not see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But I know, the light is there, I just need to look...
I just need to leave the pain, the desperation and the dissapointment behind me.
It´s not right what has happend - but it´s ok! It will help me to learn.
I will set everything what has hurt me on fire, I will find myself in the ashes.
I know, I will shake myself and go on my own way, because it is a good way, because I deserve the best, I deserve honesty and truth, I deserve that the sun is shining for me too.
I deserve love. And I need to learn to love myself. And this I truly will!
And I know I will make it!
This song I´ve heard this morning was full of energy, for a moment I could feel that something good will come back my way!

I wish you all love! I wish you all the ability to love yourself! I wish you true and honestly love!

18 Kommentare:

Marisa hat gesagt…

my heart hurts for you my dear...
i just want you to know that i think you are amazing... such a thoughtful and beautiful soul...
i hope things will look brighter soon

Marisa hat gesagt…

my heart hurts for you my dear...
i just want you to know that i think you are amazing... such a thoughtful and beautiful soul...
i hope things will look brighter soon

Janel hat gesagt…

Oh, dear girl! I have been there, and it is a horrible place to be. What I can say is, if the situation did not have your best interests at heart, and did not show respect for you, then you are better in the long run. It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. It does.

But you are beautiful. This blog is a testiment to that. You do deserve honesty and integrity, love and laughter. You will find it again. You will.

Sending you a big hug!

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Marisa, thank you so much for your lovely words, they mean so much for me. Yes I know someday I will find the light again...hope soon. xo

Micaela hat gesagt…

embrace moments like this!
dance with one hand up in the air.

having been where you are, my heart hurts for you cos i know how it feels like.

and YES, you DO deserve the best. You deserve an amazing kind of love.

i have no doubt it will find you sweet friend.

i wish YOU all the love, and remember i am always here for you.

xo hugs from Texas

Anonym hat gesagt…

"I will set everything what has hurt me on fire, I will find myself in the ashes."

My dear, this point of view will be your key to making it through! When silver is refined by the silversmith, the silver must be held in the middle of the fire where the flames are hottest so to burn away all the impurities. In the end, such a beautiful finished product is worth the trial of the fire.

I hope you have a wonderful day full of encouragement and the voices of friends who care for you!


Diann hat gesagt…

Oh, I hope things change for you soon. I also hope it is circumstances that can be overcome that are causing you this pain. I will send good wishes your way.

Clivia Schmidt hat gesagt…

Meine liebe Tan!

Kneif Deinen Bobo zusammen und den Kopf hoch!
Alles wird gut...solange Du wild bist!

Drücke dich ganz fest!

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Marisa, Janel, Micaela, Maranda and Diann: Thank you SO MUCH girls, thank you for your kind, lovely and constructiveness words.That mean SO SO MUCH for me!
What a beautiful feeling to meet so many special and caring people, even though you don´t know me in person! You´re really girls with a lot of love inside - I am happy to meet you!

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Ach Clivi,wenn ich dich nicht hätt´...Danke dir!Bin froh, dass ich dich hab...und dass du mir immer mal den Kopf wäschst...Auch das krieg ich wieder hin, schaff ich ja immer...Drück dich zurück! hat gesagt…

All you need to know is that you will be OK, you will be OK. Feel the pain but then let it go. Breath in hope, expell sorrow. Take care of you.

krys kirkpatrick hat gesagt…

When I find myself going down the rabbit hole of depression. One...I only listen to music with no words! Most songs are about love or loss of love. It only makes you feel worse! Throw on some jazz and dance....after the cry. Remember...this too shall pass.

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Simone and Krys, thank you two beautiful ladies too for such lovely and constructiveness words! It feels so good to find such lovely girls from all over the world in these hard times.I am happy that you lovely ladies are all my readers! I know, someday I will find my smile back, I now it, because I´ve always did, no matter what happend.I wish you all such a wonderful day today - with a lot, A LOT of love and hugs!

Cristina hat gesagt…

I don't know how to say this in english but ¡Animo!.

Bad days always end. ;)

bereweber hat gesagt…

dear Geisslein

i am truly sorry that you are, well, were going through hard times, i say, were 'cause i am sure you'll be happier now & soon, remember that life offers us pain only so we can enjoy better the good times coming ahead :D

i've been going thru some problems myself, some health problems and bad decisions I made, but remember, as long as we are alive, the good times will always come back!

i send you a big warm hug full of hope and smiles from California

smile and ja! den Kopf hoch! Sie sind eine schöne Frau :D

Georg hat gesagt…

Hallo Geisslein, unhappy Girl,

Zuerst mal, hör Dir das an:

Nu weine ma nich, nu weine ma nich,
In der Röhre sind Äppel, die siehste bloß nich.

Oder dieser Spruch: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Und auch dieser hier soll etwas trösten:

Wird schon wern,
mit Mutter Bärn.
Mit Mutter Born
ist's auch worn!

Du schaffst es schon, Geisslein. Und im nächsten Jahr gibt dann auch wieder etwas Sonne. Garantiert.

Kopf hoch

Geisslein hat gesagt…

Cristina: You are so cute. Thank you, thank you for the good wishes!

Berenice: Thank you for your lovely and caring words. You are such a beautiful girl. Send you a warm hug to California, hope the things will turn into the best for you too!

Georg: Du bist der Beste! Danke, wegen Dir habe ich heute zum ersten Mal gelacht!!!! DANKE!


Just my first time here and I can tell you are such a lovely soul. You do deserve love and only the best; anyone and anything that does not bring that to you is not worthy of you.

purple velvet.

        via Pinterest. I am so so so in love with purple velvet. Have a lovely Wednesday today! xo